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The 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists

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Abstract Submission Instructions

**Deadline iS April 30, 2025**


  1. Abstracts for all SON oral and poster presentations must be submitted via the SON Website's 2025 Abstract Submission Form (link will be emailed to you upon successful registration for the conference).
  2. Abstracts and payment must be received by the deadline (April 30th, 2025). Abstracts received after the published deadline will not be accepted.
  3. All abstracts will be published in a program booklet that will be distributed at the meeting. This version is unedited; therefore, you are requested to have your abstract reviewed by two colleagues before submission.
  4. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations will also be published in the Journal of Nematology. This version is edited before it is accepted for publication. The abstract may be returned to the author for revision. 
  5. A $50.00 per abstract payment must accompany the abstract submission. Payment should be made by credit card during the website submission. However, if you would prefer to pay by check (payable to SON) or a bank transfer, this must be done before the abstract will be accepted.
  6. If a paper or poster is not presented at the meeting the abstract will not be published.
  7. Time for oral presentations = 12 minutes, plus 3 minutes for discussion.
  8. A computer and LCD projector will be available for oral presentations. A laptop and LCD projector will also be available in a preview room. Presenters should bring their talks prepared in PowerPoint or a PowerPoint-compatible format. All talks need to be preloaded before the beginning of the session.

  1. The abstract must be submitted as a MS Word document in 12-pt font (a Times font is preferred), single spaced, with left justified margins and right unjustified margins. PDF files will not be accepted. 
  3. Include the full name of the first author (last name, first name).
  4. Additional authors should be listed by initials followed by surname.
  5. All authors should be listed using bold print.
  6. List author addresses immediately after the list of authors. Use superscript numbers to clarify authors and addresses.
  7. Start the abstract on the line following the line with the last author’s address.
  8. Indent the first line of the abstract 5 spaces.
  9. Scientific names should be italicized but omit taxonomic authorities and references.
  10. Abstracts are limited to 500 words including title authors and addresses.
  11. If you have any publication or formatting questions, please contact the JON Editor-in-Chief. Do not submit the abstract by email, contact the Editor-in-Chief with questions only: Ralf J. Sommer,
  1. Please name your abstract file as following: LastNameFirstName_SONCategory.doc
  2. You must register for the conference before submitting your abstract. Abstracts for all SON oral and poster presentations must be submitted via the SON Website's 2025 Abstract Submission Form (link will be emailed to you upon successful registration for the conference).
  3. In order to complete submission, you will be asked for a $50 Abstract submission fee in order to cover publication costs in the Journal of Nematology.
  4. If you have applied for a Travel Award, you do not need to re-submit your abstract.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

(Contact the SON business office to become a sponsor!)



Society of Nematologists

1300-G El Paseo Rd  #271

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001

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