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*Endowment Fund:
Please select the Fund to which you would like your donation directed

N. A. Cobb Fund (also known as the General Fund): Used to support activities deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors, including but not limited to student travel grants, student research grants, development and distribution of educational resources, equipment exchange transport, symposia, operational expenses, and other special projects such as needed or appropriate to support the science of nematology.

The Economic Nematology Endowment: For support of research and scholarship intended to affect nematode management by strengthening linkages between growers, advisors, and other pest management personnel in the public and industry sectors. Projects may include student travel grants, symposia, special publications, and other activities as deemed appropriate.

The Entomophilic Nematode Endowment: To provide travel grants to students in the disciplinary specialty of entomophilic/entomopathogenic nematology.

The K. R. Barker – IFNS Endowment: For support of the website of the International Federation of Nematology Societies. Should the IFNS cease to exist or discontinue its website, then proceeds from this endowment are to be used to support the travel of an outstanding graduate student to meetings of the Society of Nematologists.

The Pierre Baujard Endowment to African Nematology: To foster the advancement of nematology in Sub-Saharan Africa by providing grants for travel, training, research, and educational materials.

The Presidents' Endowment: Established by former presidents of the Society of Nematologists to support a “President’s Lecture” at the annual meeting of the Society. The precise nature of this lecture is to be determined by the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

The John M. Webster Outstanding Student Award: To recognize a graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in his/her thesis work as well as other skills necessary to be a well-rounded scholar. Click here for more information.

The Mai-Ferris-Bird Endowment: To provide travel grants to students studying any aspect of plant-parasitic nematode biology, ecology, or management.

Or Mail Donations to the COBB Foundation

Donations can be mailed to:

N. A. Cobb Nematology Foundation
c/o Dr. Guiping Yan

NDSU Dept 7660, PO Box 6050

Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Please make checks payable to the N. A. Cobb Nematology Foundation (in US dollars and drawn on a US bank.)

Society of Nematologists

1300-G El Paseo Rd  #271

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001

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