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SON Mission Funds Available
According to our constitution: “The purpose of the Society shall be the advancement of the science of nematology, in both its fundamental and its economic aspects...The Society is organized and shall be operated on a nonprofit basis exclusively in advancing these educational and scientific purposes for the science of nematology.” New this year, the Executive Board has made funds available to SON members to serve this purpose. These funds are SON Mission Funds and can be used to advance nematology. 

How much money is available? In consultation with our financial advisors, the Executive Board has followed the example of other non-profit organizations, such as Harvard University, in determining how much money to make available for these mission funds. This year, 5% of the market value of our investment portfolio will be made available to support the mission of SON. Part of these funds are used to support travel awards at the annual SON meeting. The amount that is available to SON members for activities that advance nematology this year is $19,790.

What kinds of activities will be funded? We want to use these funds to advance educational and scientific aspects of the science of nematology, and we welcome your ideas. Last year, we used $9,450 to support student travel awards to the 2024 SON conference. These funds were used to cover the cost of registration for awardees (at the SON-student member rate). We also used $4,352.79 to support two crop tours for student and postdoc members. 

How can SON members apply to use these funds? You can send an email to the Executive Board detailing your idea along with your budget. These proposals are discussed and voted on by the Executive Board at our regular meetings during the year. Our goal is to commit and/or spend this year’s funds in furtherance of the SON mission by the end of the 2025 meeting.

This model of expenditure will be reevaluated at the end of the 2025 meeting pending on our financial situation.


Society of Nematologists

1300-G El Paseo Rd  #271

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001

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