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7th International Congress of Nematology (ICN)



Early Bird Registration for ICN 2022 continues until the end of February – now with an option for limited virtual participation!

The 7th International Congress of Nematology will be the first global in-person gathering of nematologists in more than two years!  It will be a true celebration of the opportunity to again exchange ideas, plan new collaborations, and socialize normally again.

ICN 2022 reopened in early November 2021 and the early bird rates will apply throughout February.  The organizing company (Alpha Visa Congres) is actively revising the status of the pre-pandemic registrations.  Please be sure to respond to their messages as soon as possible to regulate your revised plans.

Because the Covid-19 pandemic will prevent some colleagues from attending ICN 2022, provisions for virtual participation have been arranged for those who wish to do so. This was strongly supported by the IFNS councilors, with the proviso that it be affordable for the organizing committee. 

Virtual participants will be able to submit abstracts for display in a virtual poster session and will be able to attend all paper sessions, workshops, and plenary talks in real time or as recordings to accommodate time differences. Note that the session organizers will give strong preference to speakers attending the meeting but may occasionally select a virtual (to be prerecorded) oral presentation. Cost of registration is €150 for virtual delegates from middle & low-income countries and €300 for those from high income countries. Paid registrations for ICN 2020 can be applied toward the reduced cost of a virtual registration for ICN 2022.

Visit for complete information!

Bienvenue en France! We hope to see you all soon!

Society of Nematologists

1300-G El Paseo Rd  #271

Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001

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