Nestled between the tranquil waters of the Salish Sea and the mighty rainforests of Vancouver Island, we invite you to join us in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia for the 64th Annual Conference of the Society of Nematologists.
Registration check-in and the opening reception will take place on Sunday, July 13th at the Victoria Convention Center.
Scientific sessions will convene Monday morning, July 14th and run through the evening of Wednesday, July 16th.
Special Highlights include:
Plenary and Symposia focused on our theme of Nematodes on the Move: BUILDING RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION AND BETTER POLICIES Presentations and workshops about the most recent scientific findings in the field of Nematology An opportunity for students and post-docs to interact with other scientists and industry in a social setting. An awards banquet on our last evening to celebrate and recognize our outstanding student scholars, the Syngenta Crop Protection Awardee, a new SON Fellow and the announcement of our newest Honorary Member! Breakfasts, morning and afternoon coffee breaks as well as the opening reception, poster session wine and cheese and the plated banquet dinner are included in your registration fee
We have arranged for rooms at two hotels near to the Victoria Convention Center. Please visit the SON2025 website for more information.